Pe la sfarsitul lui 2017, mai precis in octombrie, ii cunosteam pe Nora si pe Adi! Un cuplu de romani deosebiti, stabiliti in Franta deja de ceva timp. Venisera in Romania ca sa puna la punct toate detaliile nuntii lor. Ulterior, am batut palma si 11 luni mai tarziu le-am fotografiat nunta . In plus, 6 luni mai tarziu porneam in aventura pentru sesiunea de logodna in Londra. De ce Londra? Cererea in casatorie fusese in Londra. Nunta in sine, cat si receptia au fost cu adevarat bine organizate (cu ajutorul celor de la Monticello). De asemenea, petrecerea de nunta a fost de zile mari, rudele si prietenii care au venit din toata Europa au incins atmosfera. Insa despre nunta lor minunata cu tema “calatorii”, care a avut loc la Colonial Club Cernica, in articolul urmator. Asadar, sa ne intoarcem “la oile noastre” , sedinta foto de logodna din Londra.
EN: Back in October 2017, we met Nora and Adi! A beautiful Romanian young couple, that have moved to France for some time now. They came to Romania to set up all the details of their wedding. Eventually, we decided that we will collaborate; 11 months later we photographed their wedding. Moreover, 6 moths later we started the adventure called “engagement session” in London. Why London? The wedding proposal took place in London! The wedding itself, as well as the reception, were really well organized (with the help of Monticello team). Moreover, the party was super entertaining, the relatives and friends that came from all over Europe have created an awesome atmosphere. But about their travel themed gorgeous wedding, that took place at Colonial Club Cernica, in the next article. Therefore, let’s get back to our “affair” in London, the engagement photo session.
Londra este un oras imens, cu foarte multe posibilitati pentru fotografie stradala. Cand spuneti Londra, voi la ce va ganditi? Noi la Big Ben! Surpriza, la sedinta noastra de logodna in Londra tocmai Big Ben-ul era in reconditionari. Pe scurt, era plin de schele si deloc fotogenic! Asa ca am dat cu skip. Dar sa nu ne intristam! Ne-am facut lectiile si am organizat un program pe 3 zile! Acum, dupa consumarea eperientei, nu va sfatuim sa le includeti pe toate daca nu sunteti genul care sa alergati cu limba scoasa.
Prima zi a fost plina de lucruri si locuri tari: Palatul Buckingham, London Eye plus cabina telefonica londoneza si Piccadilly Circus!
A doua zi am unit punctele pe harta intre Saint Paul’s Cathedral si parcul Saint Dunstan in the East! Si nu am putut trece fara sa ne oprim si la One New Change cu geamurile lui sticloase si geometrice si a lui terasa de neratat, apoi Millennium Bridge si Leadenhall Market.
Am lasat pentru final Portobello Road Market si Tower Bridge.
- mergeti pe jos 13 km, noi am stabilit obiectivele pe cartiere, veti vedea ca foarte multe sunt grupate;
- mancati traditionalul “fis&chips”, va fi probabil mereu acompaniat de “mashed peas”, mult intalnitul piure de mazare;
- beti ceai negru cu lapte la ora 17:00 in Leadenhall Market sau mancati supa zilei in acelasi loc;
- urcati pe terasa (rooftop) de la One New Change, in apropierea Saint Paul’s Cathedral, merita 100%;
- luati o gura de aer proaspat intr-o fosta biserica distrusa in al Doilea Razboi Mondial, care acum gazduieste un parc – Saint Dunstan in the East;
- mergeti la Sky Garden de unde veti avea o priveliste minunate la amurg, dar si noaptea catre Tower Bridge, the Shard si intreg orasul luminat;
- tot la Sky Garden puteti servi un pahar de vin bun si niste aperitive de acompaniere pe masura, dupa o zi plina de vizitat;
- mancati la Burger King-ul din apropiere, dupa 1-2 sticle de vin la Sky Garden, mai ales ca in Bucuresti nu se gaseste decat la aeroport;
- vizitati piata stradala Portobello daca sunteti iubitori de vechi si antichitati sau daca vreti sa luati doar suveniruri.
Asa cum am spus, au fost trei zile de foc, nu a fost usor, vantul de Londra taie bini di tat! Nu a fost usor…dar a fost memorabil si asta pentru ca am promis sa le oferim Norei si lui Adi amintiri frumoase. Credem ca am reusit! Vom reveni cu nunta lor cat de curand. Va fi un set de fotografii cel putin la fel de autentic!
Ce credeti, merita sa planificati o sedinta de logodna in Londra? Daca va plac cabinele telefonice londoneze cu rosul lor, spiritul roial din toata capitala, zumzetul oraselor mari, “fish and chips”, ceaiul de la ora cinci sau suntei fani Big Ben, raspunsul este da! Londra nu este un oras ieftin deloc, insa va putem spune ca merita toti banii. Cu minusurile si plusurile lui, Londra este in topul oraselor noastre preferate!
Bineinteles ca nimic n-ar mai fi fost la fel daca nu i-am fi avut alaturi de noi pe Nora si pe Adi!
Hats off si ne vedem la trash the dress, dragilor!
Corina si Robert
London is a huge city with lots of possibilities for street photography. When you say London, what do you think about? We say Big Ben! Surprisingly, at our engagement session in London, Big Ben was in refurbishment. In short, it was covered in scaffolding and not at all photogenic! So we said “skip” . But do not be intrigued! We had our lessons done and organized a 3-day program! Now, after experienced it, we do not advise you to include them all if you are not the type that like to be in a rush.
The first day was packed with great things and places: Buckingham Palace, London Eye plus the London phone booths and Piccadilly Circus!
The next day we linked the map points between Saint Paul’s Cathedral and Saint Dunstan in the East! And we could not pass without stopping at One New Change with its glassy and geometric enormous windows and its great terrace, then Millennium Bridge and Leadenhall Market.
We left for the final part Portobello Road Market and Tower Bridge.
- walk 13 km; we planned the visiting objectives on neighborhoods, you will see that many are grouped;
- eat the traditional “fis & chips”, it will probably always be accompanied by “mashed peas” ;
- drink black tea with milk at 17:00 in Leadenhall Market or eat soup of the day in the same place;
- climb onto the rooftop at One New Change, near Saint Paul’s Cathedral, deserves 100%;
- take a fresh breath in a former church destroyed in World War II, now a park called Saint Dunstan in the East;
- go to Sky Garden from where you will have a wonderful twilight, but also night view towards Tower Bridge, the Shard and the entire enlightened city;
- at Sky Garden you can also have a good glass of wine and some accompanying appetizers, after a full day of sightseeing;
- eat at the nearby Burger King, after 1-2 bottles of wine at Sky Garden, especially as in Bucharest there is only one at the airport;
- visit Portobello Street Market if you are antique lovers or just want souvenirs.
As I said, there were three tough days, it was not easy, the wind of London whips you really well! It was not easy … but it was memorable because we promised to give Nora and Adi beautiful memories. We believe we have succeeded! We will be back with their wedding soon. There will be a set of photos at least as authentic as these ones!
What do you think, is worth planning an engagement session in London? If you like the London phone booths with their intense red, the royal spirit that spreads through all over the capital, the buzz of big cities, “fish and chips”, five o’clock tea or you are Big Ben fans, the answer is yes! And yes, London is not a cheap city at all, but we can tell you that it’s worth all the money. With its pros and cons, London is a top favorite city.
Of course nothing would have been the same if we had not had Nora and Adi with us!
Hats off and I see you at trash the dress!
Corina and Robert
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